Monday, January 31, 2011

I thought I would share a story from Dad that I heard for the first time yesterday. We were visiting with some friends, one of whom has spent a lot of time in the South Pacific. We started talking about diving and so I asked Dadif he ever did any scuba diving in Guam. To my surprise he said he had made a hard hat dive! It sounds like it was fairly primitive, the only equipment he had was the helmet, connected to the surface with an air line, with air being pumped to it. Now there wasnt any seal around it, it was kinda like having a bowl over your head and it trapping a big air bubble to breathe in. The dive took place at the end of a loading dock. What was it like? What did you see? I asked thinking maybe there was exotic fish and such. He said all he saw was barbed wire, no fish! I guess we need to remember that the SeeBees went on shore right after the marines " took " the island and the barbed wire was part of the defenses. Anyway, when asked about what he was diving for, thinking that it was maybe to scope out the bottom for planned construction or something technical like that, I was told " We wanted to see if maybe any cases of beer had fallen off the supply ship into the water"! Ahh, now we understand the importance and motivation for the mission!

On a nice summer day Braddock was playing in front of our place with some other kids. Deena was watching him and felt he was starting to play a little too rough for one of the younger kids. So we pick up on their conversation:

Deena: Braddock you need to calm down a little; you are being a little too loud and wild and you are scaring that little boy.

Braddock: Ahhhhhhahahahahach, ( this is my attempt to spell a really long disgusting sigh)
Gramma, when I make the that sound, it means I am tired of hearing that. And I am just tired and I have a Geadache ( spelling is correct).

Deena: Well I think you need to calm down a little, maybe you should come over here and take a rest

Braddock: Ahhhhhhahahahahahach

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