So, It is late, and I am finally down my to - do list to where the Blog Post is! I haven't thought of anything profound today, I was studying PC-12 stuff, and while it is pretty cool, you might not find it interesting. But I did start thinking of an old story that all my children are already familiar with but I don't know if it is written down anywhere.
Don is a friend of our from Nome. He is now in his later 60's. He has had some serious health problems in his life. Don owns a little cabin, that I am sure someone is squatting on now, on the Grand Central river. We have all been there, what a beautiful location!
Well, one time Don was driving himself to his cabin and stopped at the Grand Central bridge to see how many fish were swimming around in view. Now, for those of you who haven't been there the Grand Central is a VERY cold, clear river, and at the bridge it is plenty deep enough to jump off of the bridge into its chilling waters. Remember, the challenge is to see if you can actually speak something intelligent whilst swimming to the shore! You are usually so overcome by the cold that it is hard to get real words out!
Ok, sorry, I degress, back to Don. This day he proceeded to the center of the bridge to gaze over the railing and imagine how he is going to catch those beautiful fish down there. He gets there and starts looking, now Don gets really excited about fishing, and I can just see him looking intently at the water and not really being aware of much else. And the next thing he knew, his false teeth were out of his mouth and falllllllllling........splash! You can imagine how you would feel! Well Don doesn't really fly off the handle quicklly and I believed him when he told me that when those teeth went in , he just stood there staring and all he said was " Schucks". He stood there gazing into the water for sometime, and was able to locate the teeth through the clear water, but didn't know what to do about it.
It wasn't too long until a state truck came by and the young driver got out to check out the fish situation also. He started a conversation with Don and Don explained about the sunken teeth. This good man decided to help. He stripped out of his clothes and dove into the river!! I think it would be a pretty good trick to do that and actually get the teeth, but he did! I am not sure how many tries it took him, but maybe he did it in the first one! Hows that for serving someone? I used to know which DOT worker it was , but I have forgotten.
Don asked around town to find out this guys favorite beer and then bought him a case!!
So, always wear clean underwear because you never know when you might have to take off your clothes and get someones teeth!
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