Well I took a week off, it was my birthday week you know! We had a great time with Jessica and kids, and then we had a great time with the Jensen family!! Thanks to all who came, we love having our children with their families come to visit!
It is interesting that recently I wrote about Don Outwater, I think I was prompted because a while ago I stumbled across a short letter from him written in 2003. He was in a hospital in Seattle at the time. 2 days ago I got a message he wasn't expected to live long and then yesterday I found out that he passed away Monday night. A lot of mixed feelings there. I think the thing about Don the most is how he and I could of been such good friends. I guess most people would look at us and think - what do they have in common? Well we were brought together because of the gospel, and I think that we were given a gift of being able to love each other as much as we did. And so, although I wish I could have spent some more time with him the last couple years, I am grateful that he is over the physical suffering that he endured so long.
I remember that we did some good service for Don now and then, I remember a few anonymous Christmas gifts we gave, and some time spent helping fix his cabin and area a little. He was always interested in what our family was doing and asked about all you kids individually. So you had a positive influence on him. The last few years he was living in Anchorage, with his daughter and her family and then was in a rest home. My memories of Don will be of his excitement when we would take him to his cabin and listening to him whistle while he was there.
I'm sorry to hear about Don passing away, he definitely was a great friend to our family. I have a lot of great memories of being out at his cabin fishing, and then of course all the numerous times helping little Don get his line untangled!!